Interface: IStrategy.sol
The following functions can be called by any user or public roles.
Public: Anyone can call this function.
This function converts any token sent to the strategy into the reserve asset and sends it to the garden.
The strategy must be inactive
address _token
Address of the token to sweep
uint256 _newSlippage
Overrides slippage setting
Only the Strategist can call this function
This function updates specific strategy parameters.
Array of 5 parameters. See below.
Definition of strategy parameters:
New duration value must be equal or less than the original duration.
Only the Strategist can call this function
This function deletes a candidate strategy.
Privileged Functions
The following functions can only be executed by protocol privileged roles.
Only the protocol Keeper can call this function
This function adds off-chain gas-less voting results on-chain.
address[] calldata _voters
An array of garden member who voted on strategy
int256[] calldata _votes
An array of votes by on strategy by garden members
uint256 _fee
The fee paid to keeper to compensate the gas cost
Only the protocol Keeper can call this function
This function executes a strategy that has been activated and gone through the cooldown period.
uint256 _capital
The capital to allocate to this strategy
uint256 _fee
The fee paid to keeper to compensate the gas cost
Only the protocol Keeper can call this function
This function exits from an executed strategy. Returns balance back to the garden and sets the capital aside for withdrawals in ETH. Pays the keeper and updates the reserve asset position accordingly.
uint256 _fee
The fee paid to keeper to compensate the gas cost
string memory _tokenURI
URL with the JSON for the strategy to grant NFT to the strategist
uint256 _minReserveOut
Minimum reserve asset to get during strategy finalization
Only the protocol Keeper can call this function
This function partially unwinds a strategy. Triggered from a penalty withdrawal in the Garden.
uint256 _amountToUnwind
The amount of capital to unwind
uint256 _strategyNAV
NAV of the strategy to unwind
Only the protocol Keeper can call this function
This function expires a candidate that has spent more than CANDIDATE_PERIOD
seconds without reaching quorum.
uint256 _fee
The keeper fee
Only the garden can call this function
Sets the data for the operations of this strategy.
uint8[] calldata _opTypes
An array with the op types
address[] calldata _opIntegrations
Addresses with the integration for each op
bytes memory _opEncodedData
64 bytes of operations metadata per operation (size of 64 * numOps)
Definition of types of operations:
Only a valid operation can call this function
Function that calculates the price using the oracle and executes a trade. Must call the exchange to get the price and pass minReceiveQuantity accordingly.
address _sendToken
Token to exchange
uint256 _sendQuantity
Amount of tokens to send
address _receiveToken
Token to receive
uint256 _overrideSlippage
Slippage to override (if any)
Only a valid operation can call this function
Function that deposits or withdraws WETH from an operation in this context.
bool _isDeposit
Whether is a deposit or withdraw
uint256 _wethAmount
Amount to deposit or withdraw
Only a valid integration can call this function
Helper to invoke a call to an external contract from integrations in the strategy context.
address _target
Address of the smart contract to call
uint256 _value
Quantity of Ether to provide the call (typically 0)
bytes calldata _data
Encoded function selector and arguments
return value
Bytes encoded return value
Only a valid integration can call this function
Helper to invoke Approve on ERC20 from integrations in the strategy context.
address _spender
Spender address to be allowed
address _asset
Asset address
uint256 _quantity
Amount to approve
View functions
The following functions can be called by anyone without a transaction to retrieve information from the strategy.
Function to get the strategy Net Asset Value (NAV) in reserveAsset.
Function to get encoded operation data (in bytes) where each consecutive 64 bytes are reserved for each operation metadata. Metadata is usually including operation addresses and values needed for those operations.
Function to get the number of operations used by the strategy.
Function to get the operation data by index.
Function to get the details of the strategy.
address garden
Garden address
address strategist
Strategist address
uint256 opIntLength
Length of the array of addresses with the integration for each op
uint256 stake
Stake of the strategist in this strategy
uint256 totalPositiveVotes
Total positive votes for the strategy
uint256 totalNegativeVotes
Total negative votes for the strategy
uint256 capitalAllocated
Capital allocated for the strategy in reserveAsset
uint256 capitalReturned
Capital returned by the strategy after finalization in reserveAsset
uint256 duration
Duration of the strategy (in seconds)
uint256 expectedReturn
Expected positive % profit (i.e. 5%) in 18 decimals precision.
uint256 maxCapitalRequested
Amount of max capital to allocate to the strategy
address strategyNFT
Address of the strategyNFT
uint256 enteredAt
Timestamp when the strategy was created
uint256 nav
Net Asset Value of the strategy in reserveAsset
Function to get the state of the strategy.
address strategy
Address of the strategy
bool active
Whether or not the strategy is active
bool dataSet
Whether or not the strategy data is set
bool finalized
Whether or not the strategy has finalized
uint256 executedAt
Timestamp of initial execution (0 if still not executed)
uint256 exitedAt
Timestamp of strategy finalization (0 if still not finalized)
uint256 updatedAt
Timestamp of last strategy update
Function to get all relevant context strategy data required for BABL mining program calculations.
address strategist
Address of the strategist
uin256[] memory data
Context data. See below.
bool[] memory boolData
Boolean context data. See below.
Definition of strategy context data:
Function to check whether or not the strategy is active.
Function to get specific user votes for a user.
Function to get the strategist address.
Function to get the timestamp when the strategy was created.
Function to get the timestamp when the strategy reached quorum.
Other view functions are the following:
Function to get the stake of the strategist in the strategy.
Function to get the assigned strategyRewards from BABL Mining program for the strategy.
Function to get the max capital requested for the strategy in reserveAsset.
Function to get the maximum capital allocation percentage (%).
Function to get the maximum trading slippage in % with 18 decimals precision.
Function to get the maximum gas fee percentage to limit the execution cost for the strategy-keeper.
Function to get the expected return or expected profits in % with 18 decimals precision (i.e. 5% 5e16)
Function to get the duration of the strategy (in seconds).
Function to get the total positive votes of the strategy.
Function to get the total negative votes of the strategy.
Function to get the capital returned in reserveAsset.
Function to get the capital allocated in reserveAsset.
Function to get the garden address the strategy belongs to.
Last updated