
Deployment Address: 0xd4a5b5fcb561daf3adf86f8477555b92fba43b5f

Interface: IBabController.sol


The following functions can be called by any user or public roles.


Public: Anyone can call this function.

This function creates a new garden and adds it to the Babylon controller.

function createGarden(
    address _reserveAsset,
    string memory _name,
    string memory _symbol,
    string memory _tokenURI,
    uint256 _seed,
    uint256[] calldata _gardenParams,
    uint256 _initialContribution,
    bool[] memory _publicGardenStrategistsStewards,
    uint256[] memory _profitSharing
) external payable returns (address);

Creator must have called ERC-20 approve with the reserve asset and initial contribution on the controller address.

Definition of the garden parameters:

 * @param _maxDepositLimit             Max deposit limit in reserve asset units
 * @param _minLiquidityAsset           Number that represents min amount of liquidity denominated in reserve asset
 * @param _depositHardlock             Number that represents the time deposits are locked for
 *                                     an user after the deposit. In seconds.
 * @param _minContribution             Min contribution to the garden in reserve asset units
 * @param _strategyCooldownPeriod      How long after the strategy has been activated, will it be ready
 *                                     to be executed. In seconds.
 * @param _minVotesQuorum              Percentage of votes needed to activate an strategy (0.01% = 1e14, 1% = 1e16)
 * @param _minStrategyDuration         Min duration of an strategy. In seconds.
 * @param _maxStrategyDuration         Max duration of an strategy. In seconds.
 * @param _minVoters                   The minimum amount of voters needed for quorum.
 * @param _pricePerShareDecayRate      Decay rate of price per share. 1e18= 100%
 * @param _pricePerShareDelta          Base slippage for price per share. 1e18= 100%
 * @param _canMintNftAfter             Can mint NFT after being a member for X secs.


Only Owner: Only the garden owner can call this function.

This function removes a garden from the controller. The Garden won't be able to execute any more strategies. Garden can only be removed if there are no active strategies.

function removeGarden(address _garden) external;


Public: Anyone can call this function

This function adds a referral amount earned by a depositor and referrer.

function claimRewards() external;

Privileged Functions


Only Governance or team multisig can call this function

This function adds a new reserve asset to the controller

function addReserveAsset(address _reserveAsset) external;


Only Governance or team multisig can call this function

This function removes a reserve asset from the controller

function removeReserveAsset(address _reserveAsset) external;


Only Governance or team multisig can call this function

This function indicates the heart to purchase an asset to keep it under PCV.

function updateProtocolWantedAsset(address _wantedAsset, bool _wanted) external;


Only Governance or team multisig can call this function

This function sets a referral program for a specific garden

function updateGardenAffiliateRate(address _garden, uint256 _affiliateRate) external;


Only Garden contracts can call this function

This function adds a referral amount earned by a depositor and referrer.

function addAffiliateReward(
    address _depositor,
    address _referrer,
    uint256 _reserveAmount
) external;


Only governance or team multisig can call this function.

This function edits the price oracle of the protocol.

function editPriceOracle(address _priceOracle) external;


Only governance can call this function.

This function edits the marduk gate (whitelist checker).

function editMardukGate(address _mardukGate) external;


Only governance or team multisig can call this function.

This function edits the contract that calculates the price of a garden token.

function editGardenValuer(address _gardenValuer) external;


Only governance can call this function.

This function edits the address of the treasury.

function editTreasury(address _newTreasury) external;


Only governance or team multisig can call this function.

This function edits the address of the heart.

function editHeart(address _newHeart) external;


Only governance can call this function.

This function edits the address of the reward distributor.

function editRewardsDistributor(address _rewardsDistributor) external;


Only governance or multisig can call this function.

This function edits the address of the garden factory contract.

function editGardenFactory(address _newGardenFactory) external;


Only governance or multisig can call this function.

This function edits the address of the garden NFT template contract.

function editGardenNFT(address _newGardenNFT) external;


Only governance or multisig can call this function.

This function edits the address of the strategy NFT template contract.

function editStrategyNFT(address _newStrategyNFT) external;


Only governance or multisig can call this function.

This function edits the address of the strategy factory template contract.

function editStrategyFactory(address _newStrategyFactory) external;


Only governance or multi-sig can call this function.

This function edits an existing operation in the registry.

function setOperation(uint8 _kind, address _operation) external;


Only governance or multi-sig can call this function.

This function allows governance to edit the protocol default trade integration

function setMasterSwapper(address _newMasterSwapper) external;


Only governance or multi-sig can call this function.

This function adds a new valid keeper to the list.

function addKeeper(address _keeper) external;


Only governance or multi-sig can call this function.

This function adds an array of new valid keepers to the list.

function addKeepers(address[] memory _keepers) external;


Only governance or multi-sig can call this function.

This function remove a keeper from the keeper's list.

function removeKeeper(address _keeper) external;


Only governance can call this function.

This function allows transfers of ERC20 gardenTokens.

function enableGardenTokensTransfers() external;


Only governance can call this function.

This function edits the minimum liquidity an asset must have on Uniswap.

function editLiquidityReserve(address _reserve, uint256 _minRiskyPairLiquidityEth) external;


Only governance or multi-sig can call this function.

This function replaces old integration with a new one for all the strategies using this integration.

function patchIntegration(address _old, address _new) external;


Only governance or current pause guardian can call this function.

This function

Other privileged internal functions are:

function setPauseGuardian(address _guardian) external;

function setGlobalPause(bool _state) external returns (bool);

function setSomePause(address[] memory _address, bool _state) external returns (bool);

View Functions

The following functions can be called by anyone without a transaction to retrieve information from the controller.

function gardenCreationIsOpen() external view returns (bool);

function owner() external view returns (address);

function EMERGENCY_OWNER() external view returns (address);

function guardianGlobalPaused() external view returns (bool);

function guardianPaused(address _address) external view returns (bool);

function isPaused(address _contract) external view returns (bool);

function priceOracle() external view returns (address);

function gardenValuer() external view returns (address);

function heart() external view returns (address);

function gardenNFT() external view returns (address);

function strategyNFT() external view returns (address);

function rewardsDistributor() external view returns (address);

function gardenFactory() external view returns (address);

function treasury() external view returns (address);

function ishtarGate() external view returns (address);

function mardukGate() external view returns (address);

function strategyFactory() external view returns (address);

function masterSwapper() external view returns (address);

function gardenTokensTransfersEnabled() external view returns (bool);

function bablMiningProgramEnabled() external view returns (bool);

function allowPublicGardens() external view returns (bool);

function enabledOperations(uint256 _kind) external view returns (address);

function getGardens() external view returns (address[] memory);

function getReserveAssets() external view returns (address[] memory);

function getOperations() external view returns (address[20] memory);

function isGarden(address _garden) external view returns (bool);

function protocolWantedAssets(address _wantedAsset) external view returns (bool);

function gardenAffiliateRates(address _wantedAsset) external view returns (uint256);

function affiliateRewards(address _user) external view returns (uint256);

function patchedIntegrations(address _integration) external view returns (address);

function isValidReserveAsset(address _reserveAsset) external view returns (bool);

function isValidKeeper(address _keeper) external view returns (bool);

function isSystemContract(address _contractAddress) external view returns (bool);

function protocolPerformanceFee() external view returns (uint256);

function protocolManagementFee() external view returns (uint256);

function minLiquidityPerReserve(address _reserve) external view returns (uint256);

Last updated